LS Aircon Servicing Singapore

Aircon Constantly Running

Why Is My Aircon Constantly Running

If you leave your aircon constantly running, it will affect energy consumption and cost. An aircon is one of the most essential appliances in many homes in Singapore’s hot and humid climate. It helps maintain a comfortable indoor temperature and keeps the air fresh. 

However, if your aircon runs continuously for several hours, it can damage the unit and increase the electricity bill. Therefore, homeowners must find a way to maintain comfort and minimize electricity costs. This article provides a comprehensive guide on why the aircon runs continuously and provides suitable solutions. 

Why My Aircon Constantly Running?

It’s common to notice your aircon working harder in the scorching heat of  Singapore. However, if your AC runs constantly, even when the weather is moderate, the unit may have an issue. A continuously running aircon can increase electricity bills and cause issues for the unit.  

Therefore, homeowners need to know the reasons for aircon constantly running. LS Aircon Servicing Singapore is a well-known service provider in aircon installation, aircon repair, and aircon gas top-up services, and a guide to know the causes of AC constantly running. 

Why is My Aircon Constantly Running?

1. Dirty Air Filters

Dirty or clogged aircon filters are among the most common reasons for an air conditioner constantly running. The air filter traps the air pollutants and lets the clean air inside the space.  When the filter is clogged, it limits airflow and forces the aircon to work harder to cool the room. Therefore, the aircon runs for a more extended period to maintain the desired temperature. 

Air Conditioner Constantly Running


Regularly clean your aircon air filters and ensure they are properly cleaned. Moreover, it is also a standard practice to replace the air filters in at least three months. This time also depends on the air quality in your surroundings. When the filters are neat and clean, you will feel enhanced cooling efficiency, and your unit will have to work less. 

2. Incorrect Thermostat Settings

Sometimes, the issue is an incorrect thermostat setting. If the temperature is too low or the fan is set to “ON” instead of “AUTO,” the aircon will continue running without shutting off. Furthermore, if the thermostat is located in a place where it gets sunlight, it will misread the room temperature, and as a result, the aircon will keep running all the time. 


Ensure the thermostat is set to a comfortable temperature and in “AUTO” mode. This will allow the unit to turn off when the temperature is maintained. Moreover, ensure that the thermostat is not in a place where it can get direct sunlight exposure. 

3. Refrigerant Issues

Refrigerant is the substance that cools the air inside the aircon. If there’s a refrigerant leak, the system may struggle to cool the air effectively. Therefore, the aircon unit runs continuously. This can also result in poor cooling performance and warm air from the aircon unit.


If you suspect a refrigerant issue, consult a certified professional. Handling a refrigerant problem is not a DIY task. 

4. Undersized Aircon Unit

If your unit is undersized, the aircon will have to work more to maintain the temperature. This will force the aircon to run constantly throughout the day. The result is that the aircon will work constantly and will also not reach the set temperature.


If your aircon is undersized for your space, you should upgrade it to the latest model and suitable size. You may need to consult a professional for the correct sizing of your aircon unit. 

5. Poor Insulation

If the room is not properly insulated, the cooling will go away, and the aircon will work day and night to maintain the temperature. Moreover, the aircon will struggle to maintain the temperature if the doors and windows are left open.

AC Constantly Running


Improve your home’s insulation and seal the gaps around windows and doors. This will help keep the cool air inside and reduce the load on your aircon. Therefore, the aircon will have its on and off cycles as it should.  

6. Aging or Faulty Aircon

When the aircon unit ages, it will become less efficient and have to run more to maintain the desired temperature. Moreover, their components may even be faulty and have electrical issues. These can result in an overall inefficient cooling system. Furthermore, if any of the internal components do not work well, it could lead to continuous operation.


If your aircon is more than 10-15 years old, it may be time to replace it with a newer, more energy-efficient model. Regular maintenance and timely repairs are the key to keeping the aircon updated. 


There can be many implications of an aircon constantly running. The aircon should maintain the desired temperature within the room and complete its on-and-off cycles. If the aircon remains on, several reasons can be described in detail in the above sections. If you face this issue, read the common reasons and solutions in the above sections. Moreover, regular maintenance is the key to maintaining the unit in good health.

Frequently Asked Questions

It will increase electricity bills and reduce the lifespan of the aircon unit.
An AC can typically run for about eight hours, after which it needs some rest. The bigger units will have more running time, up to 112 hours.
The air conditioner's filters will clog badly and need frequent replacements. Moreover, the electricity cost will increase manifolds, and the unit’s lifespan will shorten.