LS Aircon Servicing Singapore

Lifespan of Your Aircon

Maximizing the Lifespan of Your Aircon: 7 Essential Strategies

Air conditioning systems are pivotal in maintaining indoor comfort, specifically during blazing summer days. However, to ensure the lifespan of an aircon, it is crucial to adopt active maintenance practices. Regular maintenance and cleaning keep the aircon in good health. However, timely repair and replacement of faulty elements are also necessary.

These are the things that every homeowner should know to maintain the comfort of their indoor environment. In this article, we will explore seven practical strategies to enhance the lifespan of your aircon, covering aspects such as regular maintenance, proper ventilation, temperature control, and professional inspections.

What is the Lifespan of an Aircon?

The life span of the aircon is the period in which it serves the purpose of its installation without having significant replacements.

How long do an Aircon Last?

The average life of an aircon system typically ranges between 15 to 20 years, depending upon various factors.

How to Increase the Lifespan of an Aircon?

Proper and regular maintenance plays a vital role in extending its lifespan. Routine tasks such as cleaning or replacing air filters, inspecting coils, and checking refrigerant levels are necessary for aircon’s optimal performance and efficiency. Furthermore, environmental conditions, usage patterns, and the quality of installation affect the system’s lifespan.

Systems working under extreme temperatures or constant heavy usage may have a shorter lifespan. Investing in professional inspections and resolving issues quickly can further enhance the lifespan of an aircon. As technology evolves, new models may offer improved efficiency and durability, improving the overall lifespan expectations.

Factors Affecting the Lifespan of Aircon

This section will discuss the details of the tasks that can affect the lifespan of the aircon. Read till the end to get an insight into the techniques that can benefit you in the long term.

Regular Maintenance

Routine maintenance is the basis of a healthy and long-lasting air conditioner system. Scheduling regular inspections ensures that components are functioning well. Essential tasks include cleaning or replacing air filters, inspecting coils, and checking refrigerant levels. By avoiding the accumulation of dirt and ensuring proper lubrication of moving parts, regular maintenance minimizes wear and tear, contributing highly to the extended lifespan of your aircon unit.

Clean Filters and Coils

Air filters and coils are essential components of an aircon system. Clean or replace air filters regularly to maintain efficient airflow and reduce strain on the system. Furthermore, periodic cleaning of the evaporator and condenser coils is essential to prevent dust and debris buildup. Clean coils facilitate better heat exchange, allowing the system to cool effectively. This simple yet effective maintenance practice increases the overall performance and lifespan of the aircon unit.

Lifespan of An Aircon Singapore

Proper Ventilation

Suitable ventilation around the aircon unit is often overlooked but essential for optimal functioning. Ensure there is enough clearance around the unit to facilitate unrestricted airflow. You must also remove any obstructions that disturb the air intake or exhaust. Adequate ventilation helps prevent overheating, allowing the system to operate efficiently. By maintaining a clear space around the aircon unit, you cut down the workload on the components and contribute to the extended lifespan of the system.

Temperature Control

The setting of thermostats is the most critical factor affecting the aircon systems. Setting your thermostat to an optimal temperature is a building block in preserving your aircon system. Avoid extreme temperature settings, as these can increase the unit’s stress. Instead, choose moderate temperature settings that balance comfort and energy efficiency. This limits the strain on the system and minimizes energy consumption. Intelligent temperature control is a primary practice for ensuring the longevity of your aircon system. If you need further on the lifespan of an Aircon Singapore, visit our SERVICES.

Innovative Usage Practices

Implementing innovative usage practices is another effective way to extend the lifespan of your aircon system. Turn off the unit when not needed, especially when leaving your home. Consider investing in programmable thermostats to set temperature schedules based on your routine. These practices will reduce the overall runtime of the system and decrease wear and tear on essential components, ultimately contributing to a longer lifespan.

Lifespan of Aircon

Seal Leaks and Insulate

Proper insulation and sealing leaks in your home are essential to maintaining an energy-efficient and stress-free environment for your aircon system. Properly insulated homes minimize heat transfer, reducing the workload on the aircon unit. Seal leaks in windows, doors, or ducts to ensure cooled air remains inside, preventing the system from excessive workload. By creating an environment where the aircon system operates efficiently, you have a pivotal role in extending its lifespan.

Professional Inspections

While regular homeowner maintenance is essential, professional inspections by certified HVAC technicians are equally important. A few inspections in a season allow experts to identify and address potential issues before they escalate. Technicians can conduct thorough system assessments, checking for issues such as refrigerant leaks, electrical connections, and overall system performance. Professional inspections ensure the optimal functioning of your aircon system to provide peace of mind, knowing that potential problems are addressed promptly.


The lifespan of an aircon is heavily dependent on the user’s behavior. Adopting a comprehensive approach to aircon system care is paramount for maximizing its lifespan. By following these seven strategies, from regular maintenance to professional inspections, you can ensure that your aircon system operates efficiently, reduces energy consumption, and remains a reliable source of indoor comfort. Remember, proactive care not only increases the lifespan of your aircon unit but also contributes to cost savings and environmental sustainability in your home.